A review by raven168
Battle for Cymmera by Dani-Lyn Alexander


This was a satisfactory ending for the series I guess, but I can't say it was all that great. Only because everything happened so quickly (which really wasn't always such a bad thing because something was usually happening) and defeats were too easy. Plus Ryleigh still annoyed me. She had moments where she was a good leader, but more often than not she was immature and selfish. I was very happy when Mia stood up to her though and pretty much told her to stop babying her. It was about time for that to happen even though it barely made a difference with how Ryleigh treated her. I really do feel bad for Jackson with having to have her as his mate. Which, by the way, was beyond annoying how she couldn't just say that fucking word. Every single time she went to say it she had to say 'uh' or 'um' before it. So goddamn annoying. I did love Jackson. He's such a strong and good character and we just see that more and more with each book. He was definitely my favorite.

I think a lot gets thrown at us here in such a short amount of time. The world of the Fae is introduced and becomes important even though, really, they're kind of useless. There is a good amount of fighting but the last big battle has such an abrupt end. There's the death of someone very important and the treason of one of the most trusted. Mia learns and embraces her new role in this world much better than Ryleigh still has yet to do as well.

I am glad that the story has been told between both Jackson's and Ryleigh's point of views because for most of this book they are not together. When Elijah sends Jackson off to chase a supposed lead on Chayce, the castle comes under attack. Ryleigh attempts to fight but it's a losing battle before she even starts. Forced to flee, her guard manages to save some citizens and eventually make it to the dragon caves. With the enemy approaching and the soldiers falling there is no choice but for Mia to attempt something Elijah told her about. And when it succeeds, Ryleigh finds herself and her people in an uncharted realm that is seemingly unpopulated. Looks can be deceiving though and Ryleigh just might have found a good ally. Along with information.

While Ryleigh is gone, Jackson makes his way back to Cymmera to find most of the place destroyed and all his people gone. Worse, he believes Ryleigh dead. But he can't let his emotions rule him and he along with his Death Dealers manage to destroy some enemy soldiers. More importantly, they confront Chayce. Which was easy defeat #1. After searching and searching for his people, Jackson is on his way elsewhere when things change around him. And he's finally reunited with Ryleigh. Who has learned more than Jackson while she was gone and along with the fairy queen has come up with a plan to take back their kingdom.

Jackson manages to rally some more soldiers from Argonas to add to those he still has, but they are still terribly outnumbered. Real victory will also mostly come down to Mia and what her role in this war will be. Easy defeat #2 happened with the evil sorcerer dude (I can't remember his name, just that starts with TH....). When that went down I just sat there thinking "Seriously? That's it?" And after that it was basically just over. Mia does her thing, and the enemy soldiers just flee. So, Yay?

The ending was sweet in a corny sort of way and I just wish Jackson would stop indulging Ryleigh with everything she is still hung up on from her past. She's the queen of a kingdom for crying out loud, it's about time she acted like it!

All in all, this really was a good series and I did enjoy it. The world created here was great and interesting with believable bad guys and cool skills. I simply would have enjoyed it a lot more though if I didn't dislike Ryleigh so much.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.