A review by lizwhite25
Happier Thinking by Lana Grace Riva


*I was sent a copy of this book by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.*

I waited to read this book at a period in the year when many people's happiness is at rock bottom and life feels difficult. January is often a trying time, financially and mentally, so there is no better time of year to read a book entitled Happier Thinking. I think it is fair to say we could all benefit from Happier Thinking, and I say that as someone who considers themselves to be an optimistic person.

The first word that comes into mind when I read this was: OBVIOUS. I don't mean that in a patronising way, or as a criticism, but Lana's message is a very simple one - acceptance and reaction. Let's be honest, if we were to sit down and list some reminders to living a happier life, many of the things would be those listed in this book, so why if this is obvious does it take reading them to make you think about it?

Lana has brilliantly written a simplistic version of the gobble-de-gook and scientific babble many of us have seen online. She doesn't stray into the spiritual. She simply states issues and how changing the perception of these will change the way you view the world and lead to - you guessed it - Happier Thinking. See: OBVIOUS. The chapter titles allow you to hone in on the areas that apply for you, and provide both the thought processes and scenario examples on how you can turn negative/judgemental/assumptive/non-realistic thought processes on their heads to base them in reality, acceptance, and positivity.

She acknowledges that these thought processes do not change you over a night, a week, and that they take time and effort. It shouldn't take the information being written down for us to pay attention, but the fact it is written down is almost a stark wake up call, and going into a difficult period, is exactly what I needed to focus on. This month is actually Mental Wellness Month. Taking time to address our mental frailties and help ourselves mentally is a really important aspect of self care, and I definitely see myself using the reminders at the back of this book (a simple reminder list detailing the main takeaways) on an almost daily basis.

Do yourself a favour, and those around you? Take a break from daily life to think about making your thought processes happier and read this little gem.