A review by desiree_mcl
Desertion by River Savage


2 stars.

Annoying. That's pretty much the word that keeps swirling around my head when I think of this book.

With Jesse he was an annoying dick. I love alpha men, I don't (usually) like douche-y men. He'd order and demand and be cruel to Bell, calling all the women around him (except Belle, Holly, and Nyx's wife) bitches.

Then Bell was such a push over and had no spine. A couple of times she had a bit of fire but then it fizzled out in the next instance.

The whole "looking for Paige" part of the story was hardly there and it was annoying how little there was of it. Every once in a while there'd be a little movement in looking for Paige
Spoilerbut then nothing until the end when they mentioned, yep we found her...and then we don't even see Paige and Bell reunite. Nothing.

And Jesse's family...I couldn't stand them. Jesse was physically and mentally abused by his father, and everyone is essentially saying 'oh forgive your father because he's dying now'. No! No! No! Maybe, maybe if
Spoilerduring the one scene Jesse went home for game night and his father actually was nice to him and actually apologized and showed he actually changed, maybe I could be some what ok with a little pushing but he wasn't he was still a major dick. Jesse was 7 years old when his dad hit him to the floor and kicked him in the stomach. And I'm sure there was more than just that incident. And his dad's anger was blamed on the alcohol and his previous experiences in combat and it was essentially stated that it wasn't his dad's fault he was like that. Clearly it was in there, those things just helped it along.
I was disgusted by Jesse's family.

Then there were times with Bell and Jesse when Jesse would be a monumental ass and Bell would give similar excuse for Jesse's behavior. He's drunk, he had a hard life, he didn't mean it. No!

And Bell's friends were annoying, they weren't friends. If my friends treated me/talked to me like her friends did we would not be friends.

This book annoyed the hell out of me.