A review by earthboundcutie
Put Up Your Duke by Megan Frampton


2.5 stars
I was really hoping for more with this one.

I was kind of disappointed with the lack of plot actually. On the one hand, I did enjoy the focus being on their relationship, however I think the lack of other going-ons meant that it was so easy to find flaws in the development of feeling. I just didn't feel connected or felt like all the emotions were very believable. I think if there had been more of a plot, I would have been able to see them developing feelings rather than just being told they were developing feelings.

I also was a little annoyed with Isabella. The whole punishment/not talking to Nicholas thing was a little petty/childish. However, seeing her evolution from duchess to imperfect woman was really great and I thought that was done really well.

Bottom line, there needed to be a plot, Nicholas needed to be more interesting, and there needed to be more wrap up, especially with Griff (How was there nothing more about Griff?????).

2.5 stars rounded up to 3 because after the first book I should have lowered my expectations.