A review by mattleesharp
Swamp Thing, Vol. 1: Saga of the Swamp Thing by Alan Moore


(Rating is for the whole Alan Moore run.)

Dude, Swamp Thing is so dope. I'm not a comic book person by any stretch of the imagination, but I will flip through them on occasion. And I love graphic novels. Before Swamp Thing I had no idea this quality of storytelling could be found in traditional comics.

I watch all of these comic book movies that dominate the box office. And they're fun. But the stakes are always: the entire universe is about to be destroyed. I kind of assumed that sort of hyperbole was just a through-line in comics. Not the case at all with Swamp Thing. His stories are almost always personal. These comics are as much a character study of the creature as they are horror or action or propulsive narrative.

I've read individual issues off and on pretty randomly. This is my first time reading through Moore's run in its entirety. I cannot recommend it highly enough.