A review by books17
Black Sun Light My Way by Jo Spurrier


Jesus christ, I simply can't believe that [a:Jo Spurrier|5344384|Jo Spurrier|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1343620843p2/5344384.jpg] hasn't had anything published before these - they are simply fantastic.

Especially in this one, probably because the characters were developed well in the first novel [b:Winter Be My Shield|13092515|Winter Be My Shield (Children of the Black Sun, #1)|Jo Spurrier|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1337996595s/13092515.jpg|18264359], nearly every character was relatable and likable at some level - especially the villains, a lot of whom turn out not to be so villainous, which is exactly how a good villain should be.

A few negatives this time around - the ending, although intense and awesome, felt a bit rushed - I'm not sure if there's a third or more novels planned? I hope there is, but the ending didn't really hint at that. Don't get me wrong this isn't necessarily a bad thing, nothing worse than a cliffhanger.

The other thing that irked me was the amount of sex - that makes me sound like some prude or something, which I'm not, but a lot of it just seemed unnecessary. Especially when the concept of being able to share/effect power via climax was introduced - that seemed a bit like something from a fantasy porn fanfiction.

Nevertheless, a great read - I look forward to hopefully, sequels, or failing that other novels from this talented Adelaidian.