A review by lawbooks600
Unbound: A Novel in Verse by Ann E. Burg


Representation: Black main character
Trigger warnings: Slavery, human trafficking, abuse

7/10, oh wow I haven't read a poetry book in a while but the last one I read called Grace Notes was good and I enjoyed this one as well and I thought that the writing style of this would let me down but somehow the author managed to pull it off which I was pleasantly surprised at, where do I begin. It starts off with the main character Grace about to be sent off into a building called the Big House where she will work for her master as a slave and she does that at first however she thinks about what it means to be free. These thoughts continue to be there as her master oppresses her until she had had enough of that so she devises a plan to escape and that plan was to go south through the swamps until no one can oppress her anymore. Soon enough Grace and some other characters execute the plan and go southwards away from the Big House and her master and towards the swamps which takes up the middle part of the book and I found it a bit sluggish and tedious since it's a major part but once I was done with it I reached the end where Grace finally exits the swamps, meets some new characters and achieves her goal which wraps up the book on a high note. The only thing that bugged me was that this is not #ownvoices since a white author wrote a book with a Black character and I found a book similar to this called Freewater you can try which is #ownvoices.