A review by direwolfsummer
We Don't Know What We're Doing by Thomas Morris


也许是被我喜欢的那些草灰伏线、绵延千里的长篇小说惯坏了,我不是很习惯这种没头没尾、像是没画完的随手素描一样的短故事。比较喜欢Strange Traffic和Nos Da两篇,第一篇Bolt里一笔带过的威尔士夜景也很有氛围感:Down below us the streetlights chart the housing estates, and Caerphilly twinkles in the night.

Nos Da:
He goes to speak, but she turns off the light and says nos da - it's Welsh for 'good night', but tonight she means it as another way of saying, no more.