A review by yangyvonne
House of Holes by Nicholson Baker


Pornographic Dr. Seuss on acid. Who knew that many euphemisms for penis existed?

The "plot" is a sex-themed world that people go to in order to act-out their sexual fantasies. No one seems to know about it and the only ways to get there are bizarre. Once there, you pay or trade sex (or sexual organs) for your experiences. No fantasy is too odd and none of the normal (scientific) limitations exist in this alternate universe. A sub-plot involves this world "sucking" all the porn out of ours, resulting in a giant "porn monster" that they must take care of and who has seemingly insatiable desires.

The book has a theme in that everyone ends-up in the same place, but there is no real point. It is as if the author just wanted to write-down every one of his sordid fantasies and because he is an established writer, he knew the book would sell. I've read a ton of erotica, but this has no finesse, no ability to draw you in and you find yourself not blushing, but almost physically ill from the graphic nature of everything. This will never be "50 Shades" in popularity, and I am glad for that. Call me a prude, but this goes way too far.