A review by nferre
There's No Toilet Paper . . . on the Road Less Traveled: The Best of Travel Humor and Misadventure by


It might be a good omen that my first book of 2009 is a series of short stories called “There’s No Toilet Paper…..[b:on the Road|6288|The Road|Cormac McCarthy|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/21E8H3D1JSL._SL75_.jpg|3355573] Less Traveled.”
From Peru to India, from Italy to Virgeenee, in a few short pages, I got a very good idea of the humor and adventure (or misadventure depending on the case) of some well heeled travelers. Most of the short stories were taken from the authors’ various books, and true to form, there were a couple that I really enjoyed, like Dave Barry’s account of taking the family to London as a tax write off. There were also a couple that just didn’t do it for me, Bill Bryson, just a bit too ascerbic for my taste, and the late David Foster, a bit too long winded. Riding a bus in a third world country, came across as a bit presumptuous and holier-than-thou, while talking to a looney policeman in Iquitos Peru, seemed to be spot on. The best part of these short stories is that if you really like them, you can always buy the book they were taken from and if you don’t, you are done in a matter of 4 pages or so.

This volume also included some old, but very good cartoons taken from The New Yorker and other publications, which were great.