A review by sjj169
Leather Maiden by Joe R. Lansdale


Cason Statler has come home to the small east Texas town of Camp Rapture. He saw military action in the Gulf War and was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize at a newspaper in Houston. He pissed his chance at the big time away when he was bonking his editor's wife and step-daughter (she was of age). So he applies for a job at the local newspaper and is hired on. Cason has a tad bit of a problem with being obsessed with an ex-girlfriend who live in town.
"I'm obsessed. That I have problems from the war. That and a buck fifty might get me a ride on the horsey out in front of the Wal-Mart."

Once on the job Cason starts going through his predecessors old notes and finds notes on Butterfinger pies, types of bugs and a missing person case involving a beautiful young college student.

He starts poking his nose into the case and discovers it involves way more than he bargained for.

His "best" (and I used the term best loosely because Cason is kinda scared of him) friend from the war keeps checking in with Cason also. I want a BFF like Booger.
He's the kind of guy who's not averse to scratching his privates in public or beating a smartass near to death with a car antenna, which he nearly did once. No one remembers the source of the disagreement that led to the beating, not even Booger, though he has a faint memory about an argument over a game of horseshoes.

"Hey man," Booger said. "hold your goddamn water till I get my pants on. Me and Mr. Lucky are going with you."
Mr. Lucky was Booger's .45. It was one of his small circle of friends.

These characters are like-able. Cason is a sarcastic asshole and at times his humor wore thin, I think that the characters in the book even thought so. I still adored him.
This is my third Joe Lansdale book and I'm very impressed by his scope of writing. The other two books [b:The Bottoms|102113|The Bottoms|Joe R. Lansdale|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1348765461s/102113.jpg|2038476] and [b:A Fine Dark Line|768945|A Fine Dark Line|Joe R. Lansdale|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1298643778s/768945.jpg|98465] were both coming of age tales that differed enough to impress me. This one is dark, funny, thriller material. I can not wait to read more of his work.