A review by aranafyre
Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson


I have mixed feelings about this book. I almost stopped reading it about a third of the way through. However I am really glad I stuck it out to finish the book.

The main character is Freya, a young girl at the start of the novel, on a starship that is headed to try and colonize another world around another star. The narrator however is the ship itself for the majority of the book. The development of the consciousness of the ship was very intriguing but I often felt dragged down by the expositions. Understandably it got easier as the book went along and ship got more aware/conscious/narratory.

The concept of island dynamics, devolution and the sheer time and distract restraints applied to fictionalized planet colonization is also compelling given that most space scifi I've read just glosses over that. I also really liked the concept that humans colonizing Saturn and Mars needed to take sabbaticals to earth to get exposure to all those earth bacteria and other tiny things. I could see this easily being a four or five star rating for many others.