A review by leevoncarbon
Blood Brothers: The Dramatic Story of a Palestinian Christian Working for Peace in Israel by David Hazard, Elias Chacour


I confess to forming opinions about the Israel-Palestinian conflict without sufficient research. This book helped fill some important gaps. Like many, I think primarily in terms of a Jewish-Muslim conflict, forgetting about the significant population of Arab Christians in that region. One of the strangest things is that because of a distorted view of Bible prophecy, evangelical Christians in North America have often become a cheering section for the Jewish state while ignoring the suffering of their Arab brothers and sisters in Christ at the hands of that very state. This book offers a serious challenge to such thinking.

This book covers the years 1947 to 1983. As he wrote about the implications to the Arab Christians of the six day war in 1967 I felt chastened. During that time I was part of a Christian community that was busy playing with its prophetic jigsaw puzzle, talking excitedly about being lifted out of the world's troubles. Then I read this account of others in the church of Christ, working to the point of exhaustion to be peacemakers in this troubled world.

I was also impacted by Chacour's frequent references to his need to be rooted in a contemplative life, his life in Christ nourished by quiet communion, if he was able to remain faithful in serving Christ as a peacemaker.