A review by fictionalkate
Chasing River by K.A. Tucker


K.A. Tucker is an expert at delivering compelling stories which entwine mystery, drama and romance. Chasing River is a perfect example of that!

Wanting to explore the world and see what life is like outside of her small town, Amber Welles is ready for her European adventure. An adventure she wasn't expecting to cost her her life. When a gorgeous good Samaritan saves her from an explosion and then flees, Amber is determined to track him down. River knows he should distance himself from Amber - for his own sake as well as hers. With their families complicating matters, the police involving themselves and Amber knowing anything between them can only be temporary - she should stay away. But there is just something between them that neither can deny and Amber finds herself chasing River hoping he will let himself get caught...

Chasing River has been one of my favourite new adult reads of this year. The Irish setting was beautiful and added both the scenery as well as a political climate for the novel. I don't know very much at all about Ireland's political history or the IRA but Tucker did an amazing job of delivering the reader enough information to understand the dangers of Amber and River's situation without making it feel like a history lesson.

And then there's the characters. I loved reading Amber and River's love story. They are from completely different worlds but they seemed to fit each other so well. She's the police chief's daughter who dates doctors. He's doing his best to keep on the right side of the law, occasionally stepping over the line of what is legal. They are both three-dimensional characters who have their flaws which just helps make their story seem believable. Their romance gets a bit of a kick start with the drama and life threatening situations but this isn't a story of instalove. Their relationship grows as they get to know each other and there is the sense that they both look beyond the lust and attraction to see the person underneath.

I've not read any of the other books in the Burying Water series but that is not necessary to understand Chasing River. If anything, having now met Amber and River I'm desperate to get my hands on a copy of the other books of the series.

If you enjoy exciting stories full of romance, excitement and realistic characters, look no further than KA Tucker. Her characters are interesting and vivid. The plots in her books are compelling and will have you wanting more. Chasing River is exciting, suspenseful and delivers an amazing love story.