A review by caitlinxmartin
Borderlands by Brian McGilloway


In the past couple of years there has been a lot of good new crime fiction coming out of Ireland so I was pleased to find even more! [b:Borderlands|1667428|Borderlands|Brian McGilloway|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1186591257s/1667428.jpg|1662315] introduces us to An Garda Inspector Benedict Devlin, working on the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

I like police procedurals and this is a good one made even more interesting to me because of its setting. Borders are interesting places and border towns even more so as the people on each side spill over and influence each other. There is a perpetual sense of ambiguity that makes these places transgressive and McGilloway definitely captures that.

Benedict Devlin has the potential to be a recurring police character who will be worth reading about. He carries his own set of ambiguities that will make him interesting to read. I like that he's not a super cop - sometimes he's competent and sometimes the obvious flies by, but he keeps on banging away at the problem until he gets some resolution.

There are interesting secondary characters here, as well, as plenty of twists and turns. All in all a good read and a good first outing.