A review by nikki52010
Unteachable by Elliot Wake


4 1/2 stars.

Review to come.

It's no surprise to anyone that I am a sucker for these types of books. I actually started this book back in January, and for some reason I put it down for awhile. It wasn't that it was bad. I was enjoying the storyline very much. I guess I just wasn't in the right mood for this genre at the time.

After some time, I picked it back up again and finished in two days. This book had a whirlwind of emotions all compacted into about 300 pages. I love the authors writing style. Everything is so descriptive, but it doesn't overpower the picture she is trying to paint.

Evan and Maise have an instant connection to one another after meeting at a carnival one night. This throws Maise through a loop, because she isn't used to long term. Everything before Evan is quick, and over as soon as it begins. Which might not be a problem after all, seeing as on her first day of school she runs into Evan as her new film teacher.

Of course problems arise as they form a plan to keep their relationship a secret. Maise is 18, so aside from the fact that he is her teacher, their relationship would be legal. He was older though(30's), and I think that is why it made it feel even more taboo.

Everything finally blew up and Evan and Maise were left to pick up the pieces and find out where to go from there. The last third of the book went by far to quickly. My heart was beating fast until the very last page. And at the end, all I could think of was, Wow, what a ride!

If you are into the student/teacher books, then I would suggest trying this one out!