A review by jessimatts_1980
Bittersweet Promises by Carrie Ann Ryan, Carrie Ann Ryan


Welcome back to Colorado, and the next generation of Montgomerys.

Bittersweet Promises is the ‘kick-off’ book for Montgomery Ink Legacy series—which will be following all the ‘kids’ of the original Montgomerys as they navigate adulthood—honoring their parents’ legacy—but at the same time carving their own paths.

Bittersweet Promises is Leif and Brooke’s story.

Leif is all grown up, and while he’s opened another tattoo shop—he’s still figuring out life…

Like will he find the type of connection he had years ago in Paris??

Brooke is now a single mother, who packed everything up and moved back to Denver—taking a professor position at the local university.

As they start to unpack, a neighbor offers to rope her cousin into helping them unpack—and who is the cousin—none other than Leif Montgomery…

Their paths haven’t crossed in years…since Paris…can they talk and find their way back to each other?

They both have issues to work through…

Leif still struggles with early childhood memories, and trying to figure out who is sending him ‘odd messages’.

Brooke is trying to her son settled, and get a lab up and running…and not everyone is happy to see her…

Will they overcome their obstacles and find their way back to each other?

The answers…plus guest appearances by numerous Montgomerys can be found within the pages of Bittersweet Promises—which is now available for purchase everywhere.

I absolutely loved this book and the premise for the series—the next generation of Montgomery kids all grown up and making their own paths. What I really love—is the glimpse of the original Montgomerys—because lets face it, I don’t see any of the Montgomerys just sitting back and letting their kids face the unknown and possible dangers.

Of course, there is cheese, snarkiness, and just a feeling of coming home when you start reading any book within the Montgomery Ink World.

I’m looking forward to the next several books in the series, and can’t wait to read Lake’s story.

Bittersweet Promises, Montgomery Ink Legacy #1 is a five out five star book