A review by whatyoutolkienabout
Calypso by Oliver K. Langmead


Letting my inner nerd out I adored when we had to study the epic poems and tales during my uni days. I loved the Narrative poems of the likes of Marlowe, Shakespeare, and Tennyson but sadly these are seemingly not produced as much today and different not in other genres I like such a horror, sci-fi, and fantasy. Enter Langmead. In Calypso they capture the old style of lyrical prose and epic poetry to weave together a tale of deep space. But it’s so much more than that. We have comments and meditations on religion and science, death and life and of course humanity.

While I do believe the stories could be told in prose or novel format I think it would loose so much of the character Langmead as created. It’s a powerful tale, told with passion and in such a way you are bound to remember it long after finishing.