A review by kailey_luminouslibro
The Glass of Lead and Gold by Cornelia Funke


This story tells of a magical mirror-image of London, called Londra, where pixies and trolls live side by side with humans, and magical objects hold mystic power. Tabetha is a mudlark, who searches in the muddy waters of the river Themse for scraps she can sell . On Christmas Eve, a mysterious stranger asks if she has ever seen a fragment of the long-lost Glass of Lead and Gold, a magical artifact with mysterious powers to make the miserable happy again. Tabetha accepts the help of a waitress in a soup kitchen, and the two embark on an adventure to restore the Glass of Lead and Gold, but they are betrayed and threatened at every turn until the Glass seems to be lost forever.

I loved the writing style and the way this story is told. The writing itself is magical as it weaves a fairy tale story for the reader. The plot is rather sad and distressing at times, as Tabetha struggles to survive alone on the cold streets of the city, but gradually the story brightens as Tabetha finds friends and begins to start a new life.

I loved the character arc that Tabetha has from being a street urchin who won't trust anyone, holding all her hurt and misery inside herself, to finally opening up and trusting her new friend, the one-armed waitress.

I adore the details of this magical world! I loved reading about the specific types of fairies, pixies, and little Hobs ( tiny men), and trolls, evil watermen, mermaids, and all types of magical creatures. So many lovely and imaginative details of magic and myth that really gave the world-building some depth.

For such a short story, it has great development and a full storyline. Loved it from start to finish!