A review by carrymey
The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman


Actually 4.75, because there is always room for improvement *wink*

But this book. THIS BOOK.

I had my eye on this one for months and never dared to buy it, being
afraid it would not live up to the Pride&Prejudice X Buffy promise.
However, it did. I wasn't sure how it would work, but oh it did. It did.
Of course I had the constant comparison to Buffy, which I LOVED as a
teen. And it really fitted all so well.

When I began it I instantly loved Helen. That is a thing that doesn't
happen that often. Usually the characters grow in me slowly. But
something about Helen just appealed to me a lot.

The world, the descriptions and explanations of the regency era were all
so well done, that you completely fell into this world from the first
second. It all seemed very well thought through and researched, though
it is ignorant to say so, since all my knowledge of that time comes from
Jane Austen stories, but still it felt right, you know?

At first I absolutely hated Lord Carlston, but then, oh then, he grew on
me. So much. Like, really.
I loved how he was so much like a normal gentleman just the day after he
fought the Deceiver. I absolutely adored that. I actually adored every
single encounter between Helen and Carlston. At first so seemingly
against each other. Fighting, testing each other. And then gradually
building a kind of trust, that was fragile, but there.

The language was spot on throughout. And I loved the slower moments,
where it was about balls and stuff. (I always loved those more than the
actually plot, even in Harry Potter.)

All the secondary characters were great, especially Darby and the awful

The paranormal part of it was, in the beginning, a bit confusing for me.
However I gradually understood it and thought it original, but still a
bit weird. Maybe because I'm used to these "normal" fantasy elements,
that are not so science based.

All in all I really could not put it down. I read most of the book last
Sunday from morning to evening. It felt almost as if a box of candies,
that I couldn't get enough of.

I really can't wait for the next book! I fear the wait will be long,
though it will be out by Christmas/New Years!

If you enjoy Regency stories and Buffy or darker fantasy, this is a book
for you!!