A review by kreeps
Rock Chick Reckoning by Kristen Ashley


Storyline: 5/5; This time the story was not due to the female lead doing something dangerous. It was because people were seeking revenge against the Rock Chicks and Hot Guy Bunch as a whole and decided that Stella was a part of them. Which of course made Mace go into protective mode. There were issues with his father and with some idiot who thought he could take on the Hot Guy Bunch. There weren’t as many issues between the two main characters which was nice. still just as funny as the other books of KA’s.

Female Lead: 5/5; Stella was the main singer/guitarist of a big local Denver band. She had gone out with Mace before all of this took place but he had broken up with her. She was still hung up on him and eventually they sorted out their issues. It happened about halfway through the book (kind of like Luke and Ava) so we got to see them actually be together instead of figuring out shit until the very end. I really respected her because she found out about Mace’s issues pretty fast and decided that she was going to do whatever she could in order to help him get through things. She was loyal and determined and patient with him when he needed time. Plus she was like the ultimate Rock Chick because she was actually in a band and was starting to go big. It was really funny when she would watch the Rock Chicks and just be like all of these people are crazy.

Male Lead: 5/5; As much as I loved him, Mace was sadly not my favorite male lead. He was really good but there wasn’t something about him that I absolutely fell in love with. I think I might have expected too much from him. Although, considering all the shit that he had been through in his life he did a damn good job of healing with Stella’s help. I think that he just was so quiet about everything and expressed himself with looks and actions that it made it difficult to actually connect with through a book. Listening to his mother talk about him before the incident with his sister absolutely broke my heart. And when she was talking to Stella and learned that people called him Mace and she was like the son that I knew wasn’t a Mace, he was a Kai. The person who took over my son after Caitlyn is Mace. SOOO sad.

Relationship: 6/5; Stella and Mace were very good together. She made him smile which was super rare and she made him let his guard down which was also really really unheard of. He gave her the first good thing she had since music and she helped him let go of his demons. She was also one of the only Rock Chicks who just went along with the whole Mace taking things into his own hands thing. She didn’t fight it very hard at all. Like when he was like we’ll buy a new house for us she was just like (smiles) 'really?’ It was good and really what Mace needed. I loved that about them. They just went with the flow of everything.

Supporting Characters: 6/5; OMG. So last time I complained that I hadn’t really felt like the Rock Chicks were present in the story. Well, KA heard me and decided to add not only some of the Rock Chick’s POVs but also some of the Hot Bunch’s POVs. OMG. I didn’t know that KA would ever do things from the guy’s POV. I must have squeed every time there was a different POV other than Stella. Even if it was short it was still awesome. Anyways lots of things happen for their group in this book because it’s kind of about all of them. Lee and Indy have their wedding. Hank and Roxie get engaged. Jules is preggers.

Ending: 7/5; So the actual ending of this was a little weird. It ends with Jane’s POV where she sees all the whole group in the book store and it is revealed that she was the one who sold their stories to the press. Then she follows Hector to see who the next Rock Chick is going to be. But the kicker is the epilogue, which was also unheard of in KA books before this. We learn that Mace leaves Nightingale Investigations to follow Stella and be her security and starts his own band of Bad Asses. Stella is also on tour with her band and they made it big. But when she goes back to Denver all of the group goes to her concert and we also find that Ally gets with Ren and Hector gets with some girl who is part of the next book. And pretty much everyone has babies. YAY for until ate happy endings. But the best part is when Stella is on stage and dedicates a song for Mace and he goes on stage and they have a moment where they kiss and they are just happy together. It was by far the best ending of the Rock Chick series’.