A review by belle2022
Air Awakens by Elise Kova


Okay very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. It was so fast paced, well written and super easy to understand and follow. There was no info dumping or plot holes that I could see. We have a lovely MC who I really started to admire once we hit the 70% mark. Sometimes she was a bit dim witted but hey. The male MC was a little bit annoying but he also left a lot to the questioned. I was quite satisfied by the ending and can not wait to binge book 2.

This was a lovely fast paced fantasy read, has my favourite librarian elements (guilty pleasure for me), we have some court rivalries, forbidden romance kinda thing, a dark haired prince ;). As much as the male MC annoyed me sometimes I could see how bound by relations he was. He isn’t free to do as he wishes. But their romance or budding romance is something so addicting that I can’t help but hope we see more of in book 2.