A review by ssejig
The Art of Duke Hunting by Sophia Nash


Wow. I haven't finished Between the Duke and the Deep Blue Sea, but if it's as fun as this book, I may have found a new author to add to my "automatic reads."
The Duke of Norwich (apparently known as "Seventeen" to his friends, but that's not really covered here, one of my very few disappointments with this book) has a family curse that he's trying to avoid. It seems that the titled men in his family have unfortunate issues when it comes to ducks. Yep, ducks. I love it. But, after a night of complete debauchery with the Prince and the other Royal Dukes, he ends up on a boat... in a storm... Pretty much his worst nightmare. The nightmare that he has in his nightmares.
Luckily, Esme March, the Countess of Derby, is on hand to save him. Even to the point of distracting him with a very... elemental activity. Yeah, yeah, it's not historically accurate that a woman would be traveling without a maid nor would a lady probably offer up sex but... eh. I'm really not a perfectionist for historical detail and the scene was just so fun.
But neither Reginald's wang nor Esme's (or, as she's called, "March's") hoo-ha proved to be magic and they did not fall immediately in love. However, the Prince needs some goodwill after the debacle and he decides
Spoilerthat Reginald needs to to marry. Specifically, since he's heard rumors, Reginald needs to marry Esme. Immediately. But not tell anyone. Really? Didn't get that part of the story but it forced the two to spend more time together.
Loved the "B" characters in this one, Esme's mother, her painting mentor, her cousin Verity (please, please, please tell me she gets her own story, it's totally hinted at here. At least, I think it was. It was an oblique hint.), and, of course, the rest of the Prince's entourage.
Readalikes: Julia Quinn, Stephanie Laurens