A review by kikiandarrowsfishshelf
The Morning After: Sex, Fear, and Feminism by Katie Roiphe


Well, she does have some good points about how some people narrowly define feminism. I do think feminism should be able to debate topics.

However, honestly, if you are going to say rape statstics are wrong or inflated, you need to offer more proof than it doesn't seem to happen at the two colleges I went to. You know, rape rarely happened (if ever) at the college I went to, of course it was all women college (and even then a classmate was killed by her live in boyfriend less than year after graduation).

(Plus, Roiphe tells a story of a friend saying she was raped, doesn't this prove the stat?) And why is it okay for a complete stranger to touch a woman's boob or for a male friend to refuse to leave her room?

[a:Camille Paglia|10733|Camille Paglia|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1206674660p2/10733.jpg] is on the somewhat same wave length and is far less insulting.

Still, feminists should read this.