A review by sashaknits
Bridge of Dreams by Chaz Brenchley


4.5 stars.

I first read Chaz Brenchley many years ago (probably late 90s) having picked up [b:Tower of the King's Daughter|1146575|Tower of the King's Daughter (Outremer, #1)|Chaz Brenchley|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1181397367s/1146575.jpg|1134027] somewhere, maybe at random in a second hand bookshop? I loved it completely and tore through the rest of the series from the library. About 7 years ago or so I went to Fantasy Con in Nottingham mainly because [a:Neil Gaiman|1221698|Neil Gaiman|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1234150163p2/1221698.jpg] was going to be there, and [a:Chaz Brenchley|108668|Chaz Brenchley|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1263876167p2/108668.jpg] was there too. He was an insightful speaker and I always love getting to hear an author speak as it makes it even more enjoyable to read their work (on the whole). I think there was some sort of raffle at the con, I recall that pretty much everyone there manage to leave with at least one book and by luck or by crafty design, I managed to leave with what at the time was Chaz's latest book, I think before it was on general release.

Lord knows why it took me so long to get around to reading it, but finally I did! As always, Chaz builds a wonderful fantasy world that initially seems known but slowly reveals itself to be a little more other than the world we know. I recall the magic being much less overt in Outremer and loved how finely he balanced that, but then I also loved the water magic that he's built for this new world and the creepiness of the titular bridge and the Shine it emanates.

The political machinations were interesting but not as complex or nuanced as I might have expected, however they gave enough believable and opposing motivations to keep things interesting.

As always, the world was woven beautifully by Chaz's lyrical prose style. Just occasionally it can be a bit much, but on the whole it gives a wonderful feel and cadence which enriches the story as a whole.

Will definitely be reading on in the series.