A review by glennisleblanc
Alliance of Equals by Sharon Lee, Steve Miller


The main focus of this Liaden book is Padi, Shan’s heir and a trader in training. There are two other story threads woven in but for the most part this feels like Padi’s story. All three threads are not set on either Surebleak or Liad. Padi is working on becoming a master trader and hits a few bumps along the way due to the fallout of leaving Liad and being hunted by the Department. Of course with most of Clan Korval there is more to Padi than meets the eye but her family knows this and for the most part help guide her on the path of becoming an adult using all her talents. The other plotline has to do with what Theo woke up and how to handle that situation. The other one I don’t want to mention at all to leave as a surprise to the reader. For the most part this book deals with the themes of growing up and becoming an adult in the Liaden universe and how people go about it. Is this the best book to start with, no but after 19 books there are enough ways to start the series without having to read them all in chronological order.

I love these books and I’ll be picking up more of them as they come out.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through Edelweiss