A review by karyanca
A Logical Magician by Robert E. Weinberg

This has been on my TBR list for a while as an earlier (but not among the earliest) UF work. It isn't as fresh as it might have been when first published, but interesting for comparison with more current UF. In fact, it feels dated even for 1994, and a bit naive wish-fulfillment.

Good points. The MC is not super-powered. In fact, his primary qualifications are to be logical and have an imagination.
SpoilerWhich makes me wonder why the recruitment ad asks for a "young man". Not HR approved, even in the 1990s. Shame on you, Merlin.
The pace is quick. It's an interesting concept.

Bad points. While the concept is interesting, the execution is a little dull. It could use more plot layers and more suspense. The MC feels like the only "real" character, even with the alternate POV.