A review by tani
Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth by Simon R. Green


I listened to this one, as I do with all of the Nightside books. As usual, the narration by Marc Vietor was really good. He's truly the voice of John Taylor for me. The length of these books is also great for me, as I struggle to focus on longer audiobooks.

Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed with this book. Lilith was definitely suitably threatening, but I think I felt like the book was too scattered. John has to do a lot to combat Lilith, which is understandable, but I kind of felt like the book lacked in the kind of unified storyline that I've enjoyed in the other books, and the solution to the big problems that have been built up over the past five books ends up being kind of anticlimactic.

I did like how the book used so many of the characters that we've met in prior books. A lot of prior events come full-circle here, and a lot of familiar characters make appearances, as well as some new ones. That was really satisfying, since at this point, we're a good distance into the series. I hope that Green continues to make use of his characters, as so many of them are really wonderful. (Some I even like better than John Taylor, but shh, don't tell him that.)

Anyway, I am interested to see where the story can go now, as the main story that started in the first book feels like it's been wrapped up.