A review by maryehavens
Camp Sylvania by Julie Murphy


It's near impossible for me not to love a Julie Murphy book. They are almost always set in Texas and feature a plus size protagonist - what's not to love? This one adds in a healthy dose of vampires :D
I laughed out loud several times, mostly as the kids discover that there are vampires among them (who has potting soil by their bed? :)) Murphy definitely knows her vampire lore and I was so here for that.
My only quibble is Howie at the end - seemed a little tacked on but then again, Maggie couldn't not say goodbye, right? I also thought their Parent's Day plot was a little out there in terms of execution but these quibbles are so minor, I wonder if I should even mention them.
I bought this book for my daughter but she gets very distracted by anything other than a graphic novel. However, since she saw me reading it, she picked it up again. With her "What Would Jesus Read?" bookmark which I find hilarious! Would Jesus read Camp Sylvania?? Why not?? :D