A review by kathydavie
Silent Blade by Ilona Andrews


First in The World of Kinsmen series, a novella revolving around enhanced humans in space. The couple focus is on Meli Galdes and Celino Caravanna.

My Take
An extremely short story that appears to incorporate Indian culture and introduce this world Andrews has created.

I will say that Andrews has created a complex world in these few pages, even though the idea of excision also occurs in her Hidden Legacy series.

Andrews uses third person dual protagonist point-of-view from Meli's and Celino's perspectives. And it's too bad Andrews didn't milk this for tension. Sure there's a bit, but there isn't the depth of emotion I would have liked to see. It's too mellow.

It's not so much action, but a shallow look at their characters. I guess I'll have to read Silver Shark to see if it gets any better. It is, after all, an Andrews.

The Story
It's a chance for revenge. To use part of her family legacy to make Celino Caravanna regret his past actions.

To kill the man who ruined her life.

The Characters
New Delphi is . . .
. . . a city housing twenty-one kinsmen families of note. Families noted for their enhancements who realized the need to keep their enhancements exclusive and maintain their power. There are two types of enhancements: technological, which don't breed through, and biological, which do continue through the bloodline.

Meli Galdes, a.k.a. Meli Asole Grey, Imelda Anara Galdes, is a melder and an assassin who excised herself from her family after her life was ruined twelve years ago.

The Galdes family, a small power, lost on Valemia Inc. Arani Galdes had been its CEO and had been Meli's cousin. Angel, Meli's brother, has trained to mimic. Aunt Nex, Grandmother, and Meli's mom all have a certain something. Lyon is Meli's father. Azare.

Celino Caravanna, the head of their industry and a financial shark, had been Meli's betrothed. Marcus, a walking poison, is Celino's bodyguard along with Romuld and Ven. Naria is his sister. Aunt Rene loves the Rynok Market.

Agostino Canopus, Arbitrator Second Class, is the head of Canopus Inc. Vierra Canopus is Agostino's father. Garcia was another victim. Ascanio runs a café. INSA file. Vinderra Wineries is run by Alfonso. The Arid Foundation. Nicola's Orchard is next door.

A Chronicle of the Reign of Charles IX by Prosper Mérimée. Alexander Green wrote Scarlet Sails.

The Cover and Title
The top two-thirds of the cover is the deep blue of outer space with an abstract of greens and blues of the planet in the bottom third. Superimposed between the two is a translucent white flower. All the text is white, starting with the author's name at the top with an info blurb immediately below it. At the bottom right half is the title with the series info below it.

The title is all Meli, for she is the Silent Blade.