A review by itsme_lori
Shadows of Sherwood by Kekla Magoon


I'm very torn about this book. On the one hand, I really enjoyed Robyn and her journey to find friends and her purpose and a way to help others who needed it. I really liked the Robin Hood parallels I saw in this part of the book and the others she joined up with along the way who were also on their own for their own reasons. I liked seeing them depend on each other and learn to trust each other after all being on their own for so long. But I was not a fan of the moon lore parts. The book dragged quite a bit for me during those sections and I had a hard time really understanding why it was in there. The book would have been enough without those parts. Maybe we'll find out more about how it'll help her save Sherwood from Crown or get her parents back in later books but I feel like it took something away from what could have been a great story about friendship and trust and family and working together and helping those in need. I still enjoyed it overall but I didn't love it.