A review by michalice
Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend by Katie Finn


When I saw Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend on netgalley I new I needed to find out what Gemma had done to her best friend, and why she was afraid to go back. When I found out that Katie Finn is a pen name for an author who I like, I wanted to read this even more.

The synopsis pretty much explains what happens in Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend so I wont go into too much detail about it, nor will I explain what happened in the past. When I began reading I was hooked, and stayed up later than I planned to get a few more pages finished, but in the light of day (literally) and more pages consumed, I found myself getting slightly distracted with the story itself.

As I mentioned, the past is explained, but seeing how it spiralled out of control didn't really seem believable to me, and the reason for it and for Gemma not believing it herself was also not very believable. Having gone through parents divorcing myself, her reaction seemed too extreme for the situation itself. As the plot continues I had a suspicion that Hallie knew the truth and that things that were happening we not so accidental.

There were parts of the story I liked though. I liked the friendship that Gemma has with Sophie, and that when the truth was revealed to Sophie she was understanding and didn't let if phase her. I also enjoyed seeing the romance develop between Josh and Gemma, however knowing it was all based on a lie means it was never going to last, how long it does or doesn't is something you will have to discover yourself.

Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend was a book I had high hopes for, and unfortunately it just fell slightly short of them. Was it an enjoyable read, yes. Would I read the next instalment, yes, but I don't think I will have high expectations for this one.