A review by chelsea2020
Focus by Alyssa Rose Ivy


Nah. Just, Nah. I was no more impressed with this ridiculous excuse for a book as I was with the first one; even more so actually. Far too many of the scenes were way too forced and unnecessary.

I especially detested the "surprise plot twists." They were pathetic and not in the least bit surprising: the evil douch-bags were evil (WOW!), the crazy ex-boyfriend was crazy AND evil (shocker!!), and best of all, the love couple truly were meant to be, for absolutely NO REASON AT ALL (SAY WHAT NOW?!?! Gasp!!). Didn't see THAT coming from a thousand miles away. *rolls eyes*

The good news is, there's only one more to go, and the books have been not at all time-consuming. If anything, it will kill another day.