A review by mybookishdelights
Enemies with Benefits by Annika Martin, Joanna Chambers


This was not for me. It's too bad because I think the relationship between the two main characters would be interesting to read about against any other backdrop. I have zero interest in a spy thriller or whatever this is. I picked it up for the Romance-opoly challenge that was to read a romantic suspense with a military hero/heroine. It was one of the recommendations on the website. I don't usually enjoy books about spies or espionage, so I liked that this one was short and free. I also didn't like the present tense used in the writing and I wasn't jiving with the writing style in general. The characters were slightly interesting, but I like my enemies-to-lovers trope to be a little less on the nose. Other people seem to really like this though, so it could be a case of "it's not you, it's me." Needless to say, I won't be continuing the series.

2019 Goodreads Challenge
Romance-opoly - Military Mews: Read a romantic suspense with a military hero/heroine