A review by sabbygee
The Guys Are Props Club by Ingrid Seymour


Check out my stop on The GAP Club Blog Tour and enter the giveaway for a KINDLE FIRE or a signed paperback!

The cover really didn't do much for me, to be honest, but boy oh boy... this book took me by surprise. I wasn't actually planning on reviewing this for the tour because I wasn't sure if I could fit it in my reading schedule. But it cleared so I decided to go ahead and give this a shot. And what do you know? I had a hard time putting it down! I slept so late even if I had a 7:30 a.m. class the next day and when I got to school, I read it during breaks. I got so hooked I didn't even have time to post status updates on Goodreads. THAT'S how gripping this story is.

The plot sounds unoriginal with play-the-player angle but before you pass judgment, let me tell you what exactly got me hooked: Sebastian. Is it so wrong that the main reason I enjoyed this book immensely is because of the love interest? I say not. You can't blame me! He's so... different. Different than most New Adult book boyfriends. Let's cover the basics first:

1. He's not just hot. He's Latino hot.
2. He's confident but in a charming way (that makes sense, right?)
3. He says all the right things.

But what makes him different? He's sensitive. And there's not a badass bone in his body. He's not your typical badass book boyfriend who actually has a heart of gold. What you see is what you get. He's into Latin dance, theater.... he serves tea to his guests. You read that right. Tea. Chamomile tea to be specific. I love all of that about Sebastian but the one thing that really endeared him to me was how fondly he spoke of his father. He truly idolized the man so he did his best to do everything his father taught him before he passed. And this is he's such a gentleman even to girls who come on too strong (*coughs* Jessica *coughs*). Sebastian gave me butterflies - I'm not kidding. You wouldn't be able to help the inevitable squealing and gushing.

So that's Sebastian. What about the main character, Maddie? Well, I love her too! I know I went on and on about Sebastian but that doesn't mean he overshadowed Maddie. Not at all. Maddie is a great character all throughout the book. She had a crappy past (something totally unexpected, by the way. Brownie points for that!) that gave her trust issues when it comes to guys. That's also the reason why she agreed to create the GAP Club with Jessica. I loved Maddie's back story and seeing how she overcame all the heartache. Aside from that, I enjoyed reading chapters where Maddie bonded with a ten year old cancer patient named Hunter. Those parts really made me smile because Hunter was such a darling and Maddie was so sweet to him. It showed a whole other part of Maddie that made her an even more lovable character.

The romance from the time Sebastian started flirting to them finally getting together was both sweet and hot. I couldn't get enough of these two! Maddie and Sebastian's chemistry was so amazing you'd fall in love with both of them. That's how great they are together. That's how addicting this book is.

I enjoyed the overall flow of the story. With this kind of plot the conflict is predictable but the way everything unraveled was surprisingly good. I just hate it when conflicts that are so easy to resolve happen for the sake of adding speed bumps to a story. Fortunately that didn't happen here. Everything... made sense. In the end, I think this book deserves 5 pink stars. It has a good plot, memorable characters, a steamy romance and just the right amount of conflict. It's a quick read that will have you reading nonstop and will most definitely leave you with a Sebastian hangover.

(I received a copy of this book for the tour. This did not, in any way, influence my opinion of the book.)