A review by kitvaria_sarene
Good Neighbors: The Full Collection by Stephanie Burgis


I really enjoyed this little collection of stories!

A necromancer, a powerful metal worker, and all sorts of creatures and people. What's not to love?

The first two are really short, and just about perfect for a little happy break at lunch break for example. Those are very easy to read, and due to being so extra short don't manage to give too much depth. They are quirky and whimsical and definitely left me with a smile though!

The other two are much longer, and so they still stay peculiar, odd and fun, but they also give more inside to the characters. I really loved seeing their past expanded on a bit, and starting to get to know each other better. The vamped up action and stakes also made these more than just a quick story bite. They rather turned into characters that'll stay with me for the long run, and I enjoyed the tone of the stories. The hope and light, and people coming together to protect each other.

This is a definite feel-good book that will make the dreary world look a lot brighter when you close it!