A review by ggraham0317
Ursula K. Le Guin: Collected Poems by Ursula K. Le Guin


I felt the tears welling inside of me so frequently, I normally am not a fan majorly of poetry minus mary oliver but this was different. Her words captured my spirituality, segments of my consciousness. Hearing her describe parts of Oregon, that I love and loved independently knowing that she too loved them and could describe them in words that encapsulated all the awe and tranquility that I would never be able to conjure. The fact that we may have grieved after the same woman on 23rd street, the fact I almost knew exactly who she was talking about, I was reading excerpts aloud to my dad, i pulled it out on a date, i kept on putting this down because i wanted to savor it, to do her words justice by reading them when i was in the right headspace. This may become my bible where i carry this novel around with me wherever i go