A review by agreyknight8
Winterkill by C.J. Box


Of the 37 chapters, the first 8 were solid. Then, the story was hit or missed until chapter 26. After that, I couldn't put it down. The ending saved it for me.

In the bumbling middle, some of the characters felt flat and uninteresting. There was a lot of running around that felt like filler. There were times I questioned the dialogue because of how much the characters repeated themselves, or felt unnatural in the way they spoke, as if the author did not know what the characters should say to each other. At times, I was questioning Joe's thinking.

However, some of the events did make me want to find out what happens in the next chapter. Nate is pretty cool. Overall, the middle was just...fine, I guess.

Not every book will be a 100% banger the whole read, and I can get over the above cons enough to say I really did enjoy the overall story.