A review by jkribbit
The Girl and the Witch's Garden by Erin Bowman


With her father stuck in the hospital battling cancer, Piper finds herself spending the summer with her estranged mother and stately grandmother. The Mallory estate is grand and strange and features a garden long dead after a fire ruined it. When Piper arrives, she discovers her grandmother missing, and that her mother who abandoned her is now fostering several other children. This book is filled with heartbreak, magic, and hope.

I enjoyed this book. Just from the title and reading of the grand estate and mysterious garden, I went into this book expecting more of a Secret Garden setting. I was a bit jolted out of the world with talk of cell phones and email! But once I got used to the time and place, I quickly got lost in this story. I loved getting to know the children and I loved the magical history and world. No spoilers, but I was happy the ending had redemption without being neatly wrapped up with a bow. A beautiful story of finding yourself, family, friends, loss, and healing.