A review by bookstolivewith
The Editor by Steven Rowley


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Steven Rowley's The Editor has everything: family drama, Jackie O., publishing house inside info, Bill Clinton, and a Maury-esque "Who's the Father?" reveal! And yet, for all that, something about this book didn't hit quite right, leaving me wanted more without really delivering.

I really enjoyed the first half of the book – I learned a lot about Jackie O. and the whole Kennedy clan that I didn't really know before. I enjoyed our protagonist's, James Smale, simultaneous disbelief and thrill at getting his book published, and the imposter syndrome that he struggled to cope with throughout the process. The family drama was intriguing as well and I was ready for it to ramp up. However, eventually the book hit a stalemate, where James was trying to both process an uncovered secret and find an different ending to his book, and The Editor seemed to be floundering in much the same way.

I think if you're intrigued by the Kennedys or Jackie O., then it's definitely worth a read, but I'd recommend checking it out from the library to see if it's your cup of tea first!