A review by jrc2011
Agency by William Gibson


If it gets off to a slow start, but placing it in contemporary, San Francisco is sort of appealing, with a reference to smoke from forest fires, being a toxic hazard in San Francisco (which would make this 2020, not 2019). Lots of name, checking of streets and locations in San Francisco.

The underlying premise is that some sketchy tech firm steals military AI technology and wants to figure out a way to create a product. Or not. .

Couch surfing Verity is pulled in as the “game whisperer“ through manipulations by Lowbeer (Wilf and Ash now work for her). This “ stub” is at risk of globally annihilating events.

We also see a return of Connor - and updates on the “stub” created in the first book. As the book goes on - Verity is carried along in a wave of cloak and dagger events set off like a Rube Goldberg contraption by the AI as a feud ex machine. We don’t really even need Verity except as a plot device to be running away from the bad guys and to be the new BFF of this.AI. In fact - not even sure we need the billionaire ex boyfriend or his girlfriend, Wilf or the rest.

We get a little bit of information about how China was able to create a walled garden, and avoid many of the impacts of the jackpot. Ultimately, this is a story that has some real promise, but to seems to schedule a drawn. We aren’t learning that much more about low beer, verity, and the others are also very thinly drawn. High on action low on character development. Seems like this was created as the next installment to feed to the script writers for the TV series which is fine I suppose. I’d rather have better character development.