A review by mat_tobin
Treehorn's Wish by Florence Parry Heide, Edward Gorey


The final book in the Treehorn trilogy and one I thought I had read but had not. Florence Parry Heide words coupled with Edward Gorey's illustrations lend to a perfect match far perfect, perhaps, than poor Treehorn has been lumbered with in the guise of his parents. In Treehorn's world everyone is talking but no one is listening or perhaps everyone is talking and listening but no one really cares - not even, humorously, the genie that Treehorn finds himself beholden with.

The pen and ink style is wholly typical of Gorey works so well in depicting this odd, slightly doleful little tale (I love the dog) and although Treehorn gets off lightly compared to some of the other children who are left to the illustrator's whim, it is fair to say that his life is not filled with wonder. Actually, in this case it is, yet even when he has the opportunity to change it forever, his sheer waniness (yes, I made a word up) means that he is incapable of doing so.

I snorted at some moments and have a huge soft spot for both the dog and Moshie.