A review by erica_kennedy_horror
Nestlings by Nat Cassidy


This story is creepy, unsettling, and a very slow burn. The idea of a Rosemary's Baby meets Salem's Lot pulled me in at the beginning. I listened to the audio book on Audible and did enjoy the story overall.

Nestlings by Nat Cassidy is an anxiety induced vampire/not vampire story set in a high-class apartment building in New Your City. Ana and Reid have had a rough time recently. Ana became pregnant, and once Charlie was born, Ana became wheelchair bound. Reid has to become a caregiver to both a newborn and his wife. They think they have caught a much needed break when they win the lottery for apartments and get to move into the beautiful Deptford apartment complex.

I will admit that at times, I did struggle to finish Nestlings. My mind tends to drift when not constantly stimulated with an action-packed story. However, I am glad I was able to stick with it and finish because the entirety of it was worth it. Nat Cassidy did a great job showing that even though someone is struggling with a disability they can overcome anything that they put their mind to. I love that Ana was strong enough to persevere amongst a mountain of monsters, both human and non-human.

In the end, Ana is thankful for all the changes she faced to become the badass she is today.