A review by everydayreading
Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti


Bleck. I am so sick of books where the girl falls in love with the best friend's boyfriend and then when the best friend finds out and does horrible things to the girl and is a complete and utter jerk in every way and spreads evil rumors and spills all her secrets and puts up a website about what a terrible boyfriend stealing jerk she is AND won't even talk to her, the girl still swears to never see the boy again. If the best friend is being so evil, there's not really much point in preserving that friendship, now, is there? (Maybe this attitude is why I have no friends).

Also, the main girl is obsessssssssed with fate and horoscopes and stuff and is just convinced things happen because of fate and I wanted to shake her and scream "get a grip! Your life is what you make of it."
