A review by hflh
Some of My Best Friends: Essays on Lip Service by Tajja Isen


 A collection of consistent, well-written essays critiquing cultures of lip service, focusing on the industries of voice acting, publishing, and law. 

Isen’s critiques are solid but her arguments can be tangential and writing style monotonous so it can be easy to get lost in the argument, especially if you don’t have background knowledge of the industries discussed. 

I have seen some reviews wishing the book offered more solutions and I disagree. There is a place for pieces that critique without providing solutions—also, it’s not Isen’s job to solve these problems. 

I could not stand the last essay, which focused on exploring Canadian culture and national identity and Canada's obsession with the U.S. I had no problem with the content. It would have been a good essay on it’s own (with some editing), but it was was jarringly off-theme and rambly.