A review by juliettesebock
Lizzie, Speak by Kailey Tedesco


*I received a copy of Kailey Tedesco’s LIZZIE, SPEAK for review purposes. As always, this review reflects only my honest thoughts on the book.*

I first heard about Lizzie, Speak months ago when Kailey mentioned it on Twitter. I’ve always been fascinated by Lizzie Borden and her alleged crime (what do you think–did she do it?), so when I saw that Kailey was engaging with Lizzie and the mythos surrounding her, I knew it was a book I would have to check out. Fortunately, White Stag Publishing was kind enough to offer a review copy, which made my reading and reviewing possible (thank you, White Stag!).

Needless to say, my expectations were met, if not exceeded, by this phenomenal collection. I forced myself to slow down my reading and spread the book out over more than a week rather than read through it in a day. It was so hard to put down! Still, I’m glad I let myself experience that first read over time to take it all in. Plus, it just means there will be a faster reread coming soon!

*full review on Pencils & Pages*