A review by rjlee89
Comment Comprendre Israël En 60 Jours, Ou Moins by Sarah Glidden


Since I don't know much about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, other than snippets that I heard in the news, particularly when I was growing up, this was a refreshing read since it follows the author through her birthright trip to Israel and questioning some of the things she learned as well as her biases. She comes in thinking that the birthright trip is going to brainwash her to be pro-Israel vs. pro-Palestine, but she struggles even with the idea of pro-peace as she learns so many different aspects of the war and conflict in the region. It was an intriguing read and reiterates that everyone has a story, a struggle, painful past and present, but it's hard to know what to do with that. I liked how there was a Rabbi at the end of her trip that talks about how as a religious Jew, he is does not obtain spirituality and closeness to God by following a checklist of rules and then, boom, done. If he is a doctor and sees a Palestinian Arab who is sick, he should still treat that person since we are all part of the "human condition". Personally, completely agree, and this happens in Christianity too (where it becomes all about following rules, instead of a relationship with Jesus that pours out into loving/helping/caring/being compassionate toward other people like me and NOT like me). At the same time, it's this feeling of and what now, especially since this graphic memoir took place nearly a decade ago. And now what? :T