A review by you_had_me_at_romance
The Fine Print by Lauren Asher

Did not finish book. Stopped at 21%.
Welp. The Fine Printđź“ť by Lauren Asher is my first DNF. I knew absolutely nothing about this book apart from the fact that I had seen it recommended on my FYP several times. However, I could not make it through Chapter 11 and had to stop reading at 21% on my Kindle.

Here’s why:
1. The Disney obsessions as grown adults is too weird for me. I like Disney, but the depth of the details geared towards painting the Disney-esque storyline was too much.
2. Everything revolving about Zahra annoyed me to no end. I’ve officially come to the conclusion that the Grumpy/Sunshine trope isn’t really my thing, and, thus, I am VERY particular about how it is done. And this book did not do this trope justice. Zahra is excessively sunshine-y in a way that is not only unrealistic, but entirely unbelievable. And then on top of it, she’s border-line ditzy and passive aggressively bitchy. No thanks.
3. Rowan’s daddy issues are used as an immediate crutch for everything, and I didn’t even make it through Chapter 11. Hard pass on that too. I’m all for character development and familial turmoil, but this was too much.
Rowan and Zahra knew each other for all of 2 seconds before they were basically dry humping in the conference room. And then the next time Rowan sees Zahra, he’s asking her what her angle is in regards to him. Um, sir. You kissed her. In the conference room. You basically dry humped her. In the conference room. You promoted her. Even when she tried to decline. At what point in that would she even come close to using you?

5. Lastly, the vocabulary that Lauren Asher used was oddly specific, weird, and down right cringey a lot of time. For example, anytime Rowan was grinding his teeth or clenching his jaw (which was annoyingly happening a lot), Lauren Asher said he was “smashing his molars together.” Um, what?

Honestly, I could probably go on and on about why this book was a DNF for me, but I’ll leave it here. Regardless, I will definitely not be finishing The Fine Print📝 by Lauren Asher, and I can’t say I can recommend it either.