A review by reading_rainy
Lost World by Kate L. Mary


It's hard to picture any kind of romance in a zombie apocalypse. Nothing says sexy times like not showering or changing your clothes for weeks, not to mention all the adrenaline running from zombies. Lots of interesting smells in this fourth book.

That scene in the hot springs, I swear I gagged at the visual of all those dead zombies in the hot water.
All around us, dead bodies bob. The hot water seems to be cooking their rotten flesh, making the air thick with the stench of decay. Every breath I take feels more toxic than the last. My lungs burn, and it feels like I have a layer of rot forming on the inside of my mouth, coating my tongue. So thick and vile I can taste it.
This brought up some fond memories of a dog I once had with death farts.

Speaking of ass, Angus is getting on my good side. He’s still a complete jerk, but you know he’s got your back against those zombies.

I love in this one we get Hadley’s POV and Jon is such a good guy!!
“I’ll be here for you.” Jon’s mouth is pressed to my hair, and when he talks, his hot breath blows against the back of my head.

Spoiler I lean into him and close my eyes. “You know it might not be yours.”

“It’s mine.”
Sigh, that Jon, stepping up to take care of her no matter what. The last book was a doozie and poor Hadley received the brunt of of the Vegas nightmare. She went from being a Hollywood star, to a lonely women locked in a bunker, to a sex slave, to running for her life. She’s grown SO MUCH since book two.

Vivian and Axl are my favorite couple. I love their relationship, their communication, and how they treat each other like equals.