A review by bookishobsessedmama
Watching You by Lisa Jewell


3.25/3.5 ⭐️ 

While I am usually all for Lisa Jewell's books I felt this one was a little lackluster. The overall build that are normally present in her books was not there. There was a lot of moving parts that made it feel boring and hard to follow a lot of the time. 

I liked the police interviews intertwined throughout the novel. I felt it added a piece of suspense that would have been missing without them. I also feel like the book would have been a higher rating / more anticipatory read if it was in multiple POV first person. The fact that there was so many character and their POVs were all third person made it sometimes hard to follow. 

Once Freddie and Jenna looked up Genevieve, I had guessed the ending of the book. While that doesn't normally bother me in thrillers because there is usually still some type of surprising factor -even if you guess the overall who did it? it felt very rushed in the last 2/3 chapters and there was nothing surprising or shocking. 

Overall it wasn't a bad read, but definitely wasn't my favorite.